Category: All

Promises and Potions: Tasting Merkin Vineyards Shinola Red

If this wine is any indication, Maynard James Keenan does indeed know shit from Shinola. I’ve been exploring the world of celebrity wines again recently. Most of them are pretty crap, but occasionally you find […]

Astrology of August 2021: Monthly Overview

The rough skies of July are behind us now, blessedly, and I’m hoping we’ll start to see more progress being made in all the areas of life that were subjected to the tense and opposing […]

Lifting the Neptunian Veil: Happy Canada Day from the Charles Camsell Hospital

Ever since I looked at Canada’s natal chart and discovered that it has Neptune on the Ascendant, I’ve noticed all the ways that this has manifested, past and present. Back in January, I wrote: Another […]

Astrology of July 2021: Monthly Overview

July starts off with a tense T-square between Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Mars opposes Saturn on the 1st and squares Uranus on the 3rd. This time period promises to […]

From Wayne Gretzky to Snoop Dogg: tasting celebrity wine

I just finished writing a story for Edify about celebrity wines. The story will be in the September issue; I’ll share the link here when it’s out. Celebrity wine was one of the first topics […]

Astrology of June 2021: Monthly Overview

June is a big month with a lot of major astrological transits. It will start with the usual (or unusual?) Mercury retrograde hijinks. This will be all the more prominent and unusual given that an […]

Astrology of May 2021: Monthly Overview

There are some really great parts of May and some really challenging parts. The biggest event is Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces on May 13. As I described in my annual 2021 overview, this is the […]

Astrology of April 2021: Monthly Overview

April promises to bring some tension and surprises after a relatively easygoing March. Some of the most notable aspects this month are a series of squares made by the handful of planets/lights travelling through the […]

Canadian Astrology: Alberta’s Aries Ingress 2021

In honour of today’s Aries ingress (happy equinox!) I decided to take a look at the ingress as it hits Alberta. I just posted my delineation of Alberta’s natal chart yesterday, so this is a […]

Canadian Astrology: Interpreting Alberta’s Natal Chart

Alberta was officially founded on September 1, 1905 with the passage of the Alberta Act. Saskatchewan was also founded on the same day, making Alberta and Saskatchewan “Time Twins” and forever linking the two provinces […]

It’s TIME to Evolve: tasting value Okanagan wine

A little while ago I had the opportunity to try a few Okanagan wines that are part of the portfolio under Encore Vineyards: TIME Winery, McWatters Collection and Evolve Cellars. Encore was owned by the […]

Astrology of March 2021: Monthly Overview

March should be one of the more positive, chill months of 2021. It starts off with some dispersion of the intense Aquarian energy that built up in February. As the month opens, the Sun and […]