Category: Food

Listen to Mel Talk Astrology and Spirits on Nightbird Radio

Want to hear about my recent experiment making magical chickpeas? Then tune in to the latest episode of Nightbird Radio! I had a great time chatting with host and fellow RSPM Timothy Sailor about my […]

Mastering the Art of Solar Returns

Solar returns are like your astrological birthday and the solar return chart can give insight into which areas of life will be prominent in the year ahead.

My Grandmother’s Cookbook, part one

A few years ago, my mother gave me some old cookbooks and recipe cards handed down from various women in our family tree: both of my grandmothers, my maternal great-grandmother, and my grandmother-in-law. At the […]

What does natural wine even mean?

My latest story in Edify is a deep(er) dive on natural wines. I really wanted to dig into this topic further and explore what’s going on with natural wines in Edmonton particularly. I spoke with […]

Celebrating Tempranillo Day with a virtual cooking class and wine tasting

Happy International Tempranillo Day! I love a good Tempranillo, especially from Rioja, so I was delighted to be invited to a virtual Rioja wine tasting and cooking class hosted by Get Cooking.  This was my […]

Local Edmonton food incubators: story in Edify

One of my recent stories was just published on the newly-launched Edify website. It’s a piece about local food incubators/collectives, featuring interviews with Kirsta Franke of The Public and Chris Lerohl of Uproot Food Collective. […]

2020 garden update: pond, pot and potatoes

Over the seven years that we’ve lived in our current home, we’ve transformed the backyard into a robust urban garden. We moved here in August 2013 and left things as they were for the first […]

Food and drink pairings at the 2019 Edmonton Fringe

Finding the best food and drink pairings at the Fringe is a finely honed skill that I’ve developed over the past 12 years of spending way too much time on the Fringe grounds during marathon […]

What does honey from a Flow Hive taste like?

I recently tasted some honey from a local Edmonton beekeeper using a Flow Hive. If you’re not familiar, the Flow Hive is a new type of beehive design that started making the rounds on social […]

Edmonton’s honey sommelier at your service

Last fall, I did a blind tasting of some honey samples from local Edmonton beehives. I was asked to do so by Dustin Bajer, one of Edmonton’s beekeeping experts and fellow Food Council member, on behalf […]

Backyard beekeeping in Edmonton

I’m officially a beekeeper! The bees arrived from New Zealand today and Matt and I installed them this afternoon. For those who just want to watch a video of us installing our package of bees, here […]

In praise of chain grocers and frozen French fries

Speak in favour of one thing and everyone will automatically assume you’re against its opposite. It’s a tempting but flawed logical leap that happens all the time in the food community. I’m sure it’s not […]