Note: This event has passed, but you can watch a recording of it here or by clicking the button below.
I’m giving a presentation to Astrology Toronto this Saturday, November 19, 2022 called Meaningful Matter: Pairing Astronomy with Astrology.
Meaningful Matter is a project that I started under the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020. Initially I conceived of it as a book, but I quickly realized that was not the right form for it – not yet, anyway. So I turned it into a presentation and first shared it with the Edmonton Astrological Society in June 2022. I’m so excited to be able to share this again with another group!
The presentation focuses on the connections between the astronomical qualities of the planets and their astrological significations. Some of these connections are obvious: Mars is red and signifies bloodshed and violence; Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye and signifies boundaries. Some are more surprising: Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system (which doesn’t match her astrological archetype at all), yet she also has flower patterns across her surface.
My goal with this presentation is to reunite astrology and astronomy, which used to be the same thing and only split up a few hundred years ago thanks to Enlightenment materialism. I’m not trying to “prove” astrology with astronomy (I’m an animist, so that would be ridiculous). Rather, I’m trying to bring the two halves back together, and hopefully inspire everyone by the beauty of the planetary spheres – on both a physical and metaphysical level.
I would love to see some of my readers at the meeting! You can sign up at this link. This is an online Zoom presentation from 1-4pm ET on Saturday, November 19, 2022. You can purchase a ticket for $25. There are more details on the Astrology Toronto site. (Note: I’m filling in for a speaker who had to cancel, so some of the links and files associated with the event may still list her name – but I assure you that I’m the one presenting.)