
Mundane Astrology: Canada’s 2021 Capricorn Ingress

In keeping with the tradition that I started this year, let’s take a peek at the chart of Canada’s Capricorn ingress. If you recall from the Libra ingress I did in September, there was a […]

The Astrology of 2022: Venus as the Goddess Inanna

I wanted to try something a little different for my annual forecast this year. Initially I planned to do the usual tour through the 12 months and talk about the big transits in chronological order. […]

My Grandmother’s Cookbook, part one

A few years ago, my mother gave me some old cookbooks and recipe cards handed down from various women in our family tree: both of my grandmothers, my maternal great-grandmother, and my grandmother-in-law. At the […]

The Astrology of December 2021: Monthly Overview

Here we are in the final month of 2021 and the space weather doesn’t disappoint. Things kick off with a solar eclipse on December 4 at 12 Sagittarius. This concludes the cycle of eclipses across […]

Maritime Grapes: Tasting Nova Scotia Wine

One of my favourite things about the Canadian wine industry is the little pockets of the country that are on the very fringes of wine country, where a few pioneering wineries are continually testing the […]

The Astrology of November 2021: Monthly Overview

Welcome to the most intense month of space weather in 2021. The astrology of November is off the chain hook. The overarching transit of this month is the T-square between Mars in Scorpio, Saturn in […]

Cheap and Cheerful: Vegan Wines from Oxford Landing

I have basically given up on wines under $20. That sounds dreadfully snobby of me – and it is – but it’s also a reflection of the cost of wine in Alberta. When I first […]

The Astrology of October 2021: Monthly Overview

Spooky season starts off with a truly spooky and rare astrological phenomenon: a Hellenistic Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon. Under this definition, the Moon does not make any Ptolemaic aspects with any of the visible planets within […]

The Astrology of Canada’s Libra Ingress 2021

Happy Libra ingress! At the Aries ingress this spring, I posted an interpretation for Alberta. I’m going to revisit that shortly and post a new one for the Libra ingress, but I decided to start […]

Astrology of September 2021: Monthly Overview

September’s space weather focuses on the inner planets (Mercury, Mars and Venus) making a series of aspects with the outer planets, as well as a Mercury retrograde in Libra. The most challenging aspects of this […]

Canada Votes: The Astrology of Election Day 2021

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a federal election today, as expected. Election Day is September 20, 2021. I pulled a chart for that day to see what sorts of issues may be top of mind […]

Great Reset or Bust: Canada’s 2021-2022 Astrology Forecast

It’s weird to post a forecast in the middle of the year, but here I am. I started writing this back in January but didn’t get around to finishing it. Better late than never, right? […]