Tag: Astrology Forecast

The Astrology of 2023

The astrology of 2023 is a major tone shift, with several planets making ingresses into new signs. Things are about to feel very different.

Happy New Year! 2022 Reflections and 2023 Astrology Preview

I accomplished a lot in 2022 – read this article for a recap of all my astrology work over the past year, as well as the link to a 2023 astrology forecast that I did with Nightbird Radio.

Full Moon in Aries 2022: Astrology Forecast

October 2022’s Full Moon gives a small beneficial window of opportunity where justice, truth and harmony may step to the forefront. There may be some harsh words, hopefully tempered into lively debates and productive discussions that move us all forward, together.

Communication Breakthrough: Canada’s 2022 Libra Ingress Astrology Forecast

Canada’s 2022 Libra ingress astrology chart suggests that there could be some surprising or revelatory news this fall, either delivered by the Prime Minister or about him (or both). Power struggles and deep transformations are on full display. Expect major shake-ups impacting Canada’s identity and foreign relations. There could be major developments related to lawsuits and court challenges, and the people are seeking escape and reprieve.

Full Moon in Pisces 2022: Astrology Forecast

September’s Full Moon promises a dreamy reprieve from the heavy, Saturnian lunation last month. It’s not the best time to charge forward on a new project per se, though it’s a great time for brainstorming and theoretical, blue-sky conversations about your goals and things currently underway. If you feel an urgency to do something, let yourself focus on the big picture stuff rather than trying to figure out all the details and specifics.

Astrology Horoscopes for Mars in Gemini 2022

How will Mars in Gemini affect each sign? These are my rising sign horoscopes for each of the signs, geared specifically towards the Mars transit through Gemini from August 2022 to March 2023.

War of Words: The Astrology of Mars in Gemini 2022

What do Gabriel García Márquez, Jim Morrison and Henry Kissinger all have in common? Mars in Gemini! This post explores the meaning and manifestations of Mars in Gemini, on both a natal and global level. Read on for some ideas of how this transit might manifest in the world and in your own life.

August Astrology Forecast 2022: Full Moon in Aquarius

This will be a tense, heavy Full Moon conjunct Saturn and in Saturn’s own sign of Aquarius. People with fixed sign Ascendant degrees may feel this more strongly than others.

Explosive Liberation: The Astrology of the 2022 Mars-Uranus-North Node Conjunction in Taurus

One of the major astrological events of 2022 will occur in a just a couple weeks: the conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. Mars entered Taurus on July 5. The warrior […]

Mastering the Art of Solar Returns

Solar returns are like your astrological birthday and the solar return chart can give insight into which areas of life will be prominent in the year ahead.

Now Offering Astrological Rectification Services

Rectification is the art of confirming an exact birth time. Having an exact time is critical for accurate astrology readings, especially predictive forecasts. Unfortunately, unknown or inaccurate birth times are very common. Many places in […]

Get Rect: Learning Astrological Rectification

I’m currently taking a course at Kepler College on astrological rectification: the process of using various techniques to pin down an exact birth time. Having an exact time is absolutely critical for accurate astrology readings, […]