Tag: Astrology Forecast

Explosive Liberation: The Astrology of the 2022 Mars-Uranus-North Node Conjunction in Taurus

One of the major astrological events of 2022 will occur in a just a couple weeks: the conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. Mars entered Taurus on July 5. The warrior […]

Mastering the Art of Solar Returns

Solar returns are like your astrological birthday and the solar return chart can give insight into which areas of life will be prominent in the year ahead.

Now Offering Astrological Rectification Services

Rectification is the art of confirming an exact birth time. Having an exact time is critical for accurate astrology readings, especially predictive forecasts. Unfortunately, unknown or inaccurate birth times are very common. Many places in […]

Get Rect: Learning Astrological Rectification

I’m currently taking a course at Kepler College on astrological rectification: the process of using various techniques to pin down an exact birth time. Having an exact time is absolutely critical for accurate astrology readings, […]

­The Astrology of 2022: Jupiter-Neptune Dreaming in Pisces

I started writing this post back in December and planned to get it out by early January. But then I got Covid, and then Canada decided to go through some unprecedented historical events including descent […]

The Astrology of 2022: Venus as the Goddess Inanna

I wanted to try something a little different for my annual forecast this year. Initially I planned to do the usual tour through the 12 months and talk about the big transits in chronological order. […]

Astrology of September 2021: Monthly Overview

September’s space weather focuses on the inner planets (Mercury, Mars and Venus) making a series of aspects with the outer planets, as well as a Mercury retrograde in Libra. The most challenging aspects of this […]

Great Reset or Bust: Canada’s 2021-2022 Astrology Forecast

It’s weird to post a forecast in the middle of the year, but here I am. I started writing this back in January but didn’t get around to finishing it. Better late than never, right? […]

Astrology of August 2021: Monthly Overview

The rough skies of July are behind us now, blessedly, and I’m hoping we’ll start to see more progress being made in all the areas of life that were subjected to the tense and opposing […]

Astrology of July 2021: Monthly Overview

July starts off with a tense T-square between Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Mars opposes Saturn on the 1st and squares Uranus on the 3rd. This time period promises to […]

Astrology of June 2021: Monthly Overview

June is a big month with a lot of major astrological transits. It will start with the usual (or unusual?) Mercury retrograde hijinks. This will be all the more prominent and unusual given that an […]

Astrology of May 2021: Monthly Overview

There are some really great parts of May and some really challenging parts. The biggest event is Jupiter’s ingress into Pisces on May 13. As I described in my annual 2021 overview, this is the […]