Tag: Full Moon

Full Moon in Gemini 2022: Astrology Forecast

December 2022’s Full Moon will bring some seriously martial vibes thanks to an exact conjunction of the Moon with Mars, which will also be a striking astronomical occultation visible from most of North America.

Full Moon in Taurus 2022: Astrology Forecast

November’s Full Moon in Taurus is also a lunar eclipse in exact conjunction with Uranus and opposite Mercury and Venus. Things are going to get really shaken up but maybe we will get some kind of technological breakthrough.

Full Moon in Aries 2022: Astrology Forecast

October 2022’s Full Moon gives a small beneficial window of opportunity where justice, truth and harmony may step to the forefront. There may be some harsh words, hopefully tempered into lively debates and productive discussions that move us all forward, together.

Full Moon in Pisces 2022: Astrology Forecast

September’s Full Moon promises a dreamy reprieve from the heavy, Saturnian lunation last month. It’s not the best time to charge forward on a new project per se, though it’s a great time for brainstorming and theoretical, blue-sky conversations about your goals and things currently underway. If you feel an urgency to do something, let yourself focus on the big picture stuff rather than trying to figure out all the details and specifics.

August Astrology Forecast 2022: Full Moon in Aquarius

This will be a tense, heavy Full Moon conjunct Saturn and in Saturn’s own sign of Aquarius. People with fixed sign Ascendant degrees may feel this more strongly than others.

Astrology of August 2021: Monthly Overview

The rough skies of July are behind us now, blessedly, and I’m hoping we’ll start to see more progress being made in all the areas of life that were subjected to the tense and opposing […]

Astrology of January 2021: monthly overview

Initially I intended to post an overview of the astrology for all 12 months of the year. However, the word count on that post hit over 6000 (and counting) and I decided it would be […]