Tag: Saturn in Pisces

Breaking the Dragon: 2024 Astrology Update on Nightbird Radio

Mel is back on Nightbird Radio talking about the astrology of 2024 – what happened in the first part of the year and what’s to come in the second half and into 2025. We talked about the Neptune Event Horizon/Saturn-Neptune Conjunction, Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer, Eclipses, Pluto in Aquarius, and more.

2023 Astrology Update on Nightbird Radio

The astrology of early 2023 has been action-packed, so Mel returned to Nightbird Radio to review the astrological transits we’ve seen so far.

The Astrology of Saturn in Pisces 2023

Saturn in Pisces is the hermit walking down the beach, retreating from the strong institutional structures of Capricorn and the rigid social rules of Aquarius. The tide begins to lap at his ankles. A yawning, labyrinthine staircase opens before him and he steps forward, spiralling forward and down into the deep.