War with the Neighbour: Canada’s 2025 Astrology Forecast

War with the Neighbour: Canada’s 2025 Astrology Forecast

My goodness, Canada. We sure started off the New Year with a bang, didn’t we?

I am late getting my annual astrology forecast for Canada posted. Over the holidays, I wrote a big piece on the astrology of the 2020s decade, and another on the astrology of 2025. Earlier in December 2024, I did a lecture on these two topics which you can buy here.

By the time all of that was done, holidays were over and I was back to my day job. And wouldn’t you know it, the day I returned to work (January 6) Justin Trudeau announced his resignation as Prime Minister. Boy did that make me wish I was a full-time astrologer – it’s hard to focus on pension plan legislation when all you want to do is study astrology charts to help explain major world events.

But hey, better late than never. This is my 2025 forecast for Canada. Let’s get into it.

Now, you don’t need to be an astrologer to predict that Canada will get a new government in 2025. Last spring, in a talk I did for OPA and in my 2024 Canada forecast, I predicted that Canada could possibly get a federal election in 2024 and/or see Trudeau step down from power. I based this mainly off the 2024 Aries ingress, as well as Trudeau’s own natal chart.

Neither of those things happened in 2024, though I will note that with a fixed sign (Scorpio) on the Ascendant of the 2024 Aries ingress chart, its energies last until the 2025 Aries ingress on March 20, 2025.

We won’t have a federal election before then, but we are almost certain to see Trudeau step down by then. The Liberal leadership race will conclude and the new leader of the Liberal party – and therefore the next Prime Minister of Canada – will be announced on March 9. This times perfectly to the Venus retrograde cycle in Aries. Venus stations retrograde on March 1 at 10 Aries, just 6 degrees off Canada’s Ascendant and 7 degrees off Trudeau’s Moon.

That new leader steps into power just in time for eclipse season, not to mention all the other transits in March Madness 2025 (no, not the basketball competition). The skies look fantastic for toppling governments this spring.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces his resignation at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa on Jan. 6, 2025. Photo: Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP

Throughout 2024, Trudeau was beset by Conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre’s constant attempts to topple Trudeau’s Liberal government through repeated non-confidence motions. Neither of the other parties agreed to assist Poilievre in this endeavour (they had to wait for their gold-plated pensions to vest, after all), so it was a lot of sound and fury, but no real change.

As 2024 drew to a close, the calls for Trudeau to resign started coming from inside the house. His own party joined Poilievre in calling for his head, culminating with Trudeau’s second-in-command, Deputy PM and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, resigning on December 16, 2024. It was an obvious attempt to distance herself from Trudeau and bolster her bid to take over his job in 2025. Freeland announced her run for Liberal party leader on January 17, 2025.

So, Canada starts off 2025 with a leadership crisis, which is in keeping with a number of astrological omens – the eclipse cycle in Aries-Libra that hit Canada and Trudeau’s chart directly, golden-coloured comets, the Sun-Pluto conjunction on Inauguration Day, and others. Let’s look at the 2025 Aries ingress chart, which occurs in the middle of an absolutely wild month for astrology.

Pluto in Aquarius on the Ascendant of this chart promises that 2025 will be an intense year for Canada. I should also note that the US version of the 2025 Aries ingress chart is very similar and also has Pluto on the Ascendant. That’s manifesting pretty obviously already with a plutocrat for a president and his consolidation of power with the Silicon Valley tech billionaires – plutocrats all around!

In Canada, Pluto on the Ascendant of the Aries ingress chart signifies the federal government’s collapse and resurrection in some new form. Pluto speaks to historic transfers of power. This is a primary focus for Canadians (and Americans) in 2025.

As soon as Canada’s new leader takes power, the opposition party is likely to call a non-confidence vote. This time, I think it will be supported by the other parties. This will send Canadians to a federal election sometime in April or May.

If I had to bet, I’d pick April 14, to coincide with the conclusion of Venus’ retrograde cycle. She stations direct on April 12, and the federal election has to be on a Monday – that’s the 14th. Now, this would only occur if Poilievre achieved a successful non-confidence vote immediately after the new PM takes power and we have a very short election cycle.

So, election day might be later in April or May. Either way, expect the federal government to fall in the spring. The very latest we can get an election is October 20, 2025 but I just don’t see this being put off for so long. And I’m willing to put money that Canada’s new Prime Minister will be Pierre Poilievre of the Conservatives.

Note: after considering this further over the few days since I wrote this, I think there’s a bigger chance for the election to be drawn out to the bitter end. That means not going to the polls until the fall, during the year’s second set of eclipses. I really hope it doesn’t take that long, but I recognize that my own biases were getting in the way of my astrology.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivers remarks at a new housing development site in Delta, B.C, on Thursday. (Ben Nelms/CBC)

Digging further into Pluto on the Ascendant of the 2025 Aries ingress chart, it’s worth nothing that in Canada’s natal chart, Aquarius is the eleventh house of legislation and Parliament. Massive changes to transformative legislation are on the table for 2025. The eleventh house is also national friends and allies, which relates to the heavy third house focus for the year (more on that below). The eleventh house can also be the nation’s hopes and dreams.

Pluto rules corruption, scandal, hidden things and power plays. With Pluto moving through the eleventh house for the next 20 years, and being especially highlighted in this year’s Aries ingress chart, it suggests there’s a rot within Canada’s legislation, allies and our national aspirations. These topics are in for a massive overhaul, and it’s not likely to be an easy process.

This doesn’t suggest great things for the leader who does come to power in 2025, or for the people of Canada. The first leader Canada gets will not be chosen by the people, but rather by the Liberal party. So, this is one of the manifestations of Pluto on the Ascendant of the 2025 Aries Ingress chart: a leader (and likely one with some sordid skeletons in their closet) stepping in through an ongoing saga of power struggles and hidden political machinations. Oh, Canada.

I take heart in knowing that whoever takes over from Trudeau is likely leading the Liberal party into a buzzsaw. It’s either going to be Mark Carney or Chrystia Freeland, with odds on Carney. Unfortunately, we don’t have timed charts for either of them, as is so often the case in Canada. But let’s take a quick look at their basic natal placements to see what’s up. Ignore the houses on these and focus only on the planets and their aspects.

Here’s Chrystia Freeland’s chart:

Freeland’s chart is getting really activated by the current Mars retrograde cycle. She’s got Mercury, Sun and Venus in Leo and Mars in Cancer. Over the course of this Mars retrograde cycle, she’s had Mars station very close to her natal Sun, and back up over her Mercury and Mars. So, she gets three passes of a Mars return which started in November 2024 – which is perfectly timed to when she really started to have serious conflict with Trudeau.

Also consider her Moon, which is conjunct Neptune. This conjunction might not be as exact as it shows in this image, depending on the time of day she’s born, but the Moon is still close to Neptune. Her Moon is squaring her Leo placements and is ruled by Mars, unless she’s born very late in the day and then she has a Sagittarius Moon. But come on – that woman definitely seems like a Scorpio Moon.

She also has Saturn in Aries, so Saturn’s ingress into Aries this year will kick off her second Saturn return. Given that Saturn is in fall in Aries, I’m expecting that return to be more difficult for her.

So with Freeland’s Moon in Mars-ruled Scorpio, and her Saturn is in Mars-ruled Aries, she’s very fired up by Mars Rx right now. This will carry through the federal election, as long as it occurs in the first part of 2025. It may serve her well, but to be honest I think it might bring her more harm than good because Mars cuts and burns; separates and destroys.

Mark Carney, on the other hand, is concluding his second Saturn return. Here’s his chart – again, disregard the houses and only pay attention to the planets and their aspects:

Carney has Saturn, Venus and the Sun in Pisces, and Mercury at 13 Aries. He also has a stellium in Virgo, comprised of Uranus, Pluto, Mars and the Moon. So, almost his entire chart is getting really activated by Saturn and Neptune’s current transit through Pisces. His Mercury will be especially activated by the Venus and Mercury retrogrades in March 2025.

Also, given that he has seven planets across Virgo-Pisces, the current eclipse cycle is going to be an absolute banger for him. That’s definitely the kind of astrology that can turn someone into the leader of a country – and then immediately take that honour away.

Based on this quick analysis, I would agree with the general sentiment that Carney is likely to come out on top of the Liberal leadership race. He seems likely to be taken down immediately, though now that I’ve seen all his Virgo-Pisces placements, I’m very curious to see what developments occur during eclipse season for him. He’s also in a Saturn return until Saturn finally leaves Pisces for good in February 2026, and I suspect the end of that return is likely to be quite a bitch. If federal political machinations manage to postpone the federal election until the bitter end, Canada will ramp up the election in the fall during the year’s second set of eclipses. Again, that tracks closely with Carney’s chart.

Liberal leadership candidates Mark Carney and Chrystia Freeland. Just look at how the planets are expressing themselves through this image: Carney looks like a child of Saturn with those blacks and dark blues; Freeland is decked out in Mars red and looks like she’s about to attack.
Photo c/o Ben M. The Canadian Press

Let’s circle back to Canada’s 2025 Aries ingress chart. All those planets in the second house, with the Sun in the middle of them, indicate that Canada’s leaders are preoccupied with finances and economic affairs this year. Again, not a surprise given Trump’s tariff threats on Canada (and everyone else), not to mention Canada’s cost-of-living crisis with sky-high housing prices, a weak dollar and a really bad hangover from high inflation over the last few of years. All of these situations got worse over Trudeau’s reign, and everything is now coming to a head, literally, as a new head of state comes in.

I would also like to mention that in Whole Sign Houses, the planets in Aries would actually be in the third house. This emphasizes Canada’s relationships with neighbouring nations, as well as internal structures of telecommunications, roadways, railways, pipelines and everything else involved in moving people, materials and ideas around the country.

The third house is actually really emphasized for multiple reasons this year – more on that below.

With retrograde Venus and Mercury close to the Sun, the various leaders of the different Canadian political parties are not going to be cooperating well this year. Diplomatic relations will be troubled. (Note: I wrote these two sentences back in December 2024, before the current threats of the Canada-US trade war. This wasn’t exactly a stunning revelation at that time, but boy has this come true in spades since then, eh?)

We started off 2025 with Mars retrograde in Leo, which moved back into Cancer in early January. Mars retrogrades are infamous for sabre-rattling of all kinds, as I mentioned in my 2025 forecast. Intimations of conflict, threats and violence abound in these periods, but so often they vanish in a puff of smoke. The vibe is very much one of a petulant child taking his ball and going home. I wasn’t surprised to see that Trump called off his imposition of steep tariffs on Canada in the eleventh hour, on February 3 just a day before they were to take effect.

Instead, he granted a 30-day delay which takes us to early March, when Mars will have stationed direct. All bets are off then, and Trump could slap Canada with those tariffs while we are appointing a new leader that will be immediately taken down. What better time to hit an enemy than when he is down, right? But things will have shifted a lot by then. Perhaps Trump will back off until we figure out who’s actually going to lead this country, so he has someone to take aim at. Trump approaches all negotiations from a winner-loser mindset, so if there’s no one to take the place of the loser…

In the 2025 Aries Ingress chart, the Moon in Sagittarius on the Midheaven signifies that the people (Moon) are feeling more optimistic and are focused on their government and leaders. They clearly have the upper hand over their government this year, which is very literal as Canadians will be voting on the next government in a federal election. Canadians will be more prone to confusing information however, given that the Moon’s next aspect is a trine to retrograde Mercury in Aries. There will be a fog over things this year, making it difficult – if not impossible – to really suss out the truth.

The best part of this chart is Jupiter’s presence in the fourth house. This suggests some boons to Canada’s natural resources and housing. Perhaps Trump’s tariff threats will not manifest in as bad a way as some predict; or there will be other factors that bolster Canada’s land, resources and buildings. Perhaps a renewed expansion of oil and gas or other resource structures. Trump signed an order reversing the 2021 cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, though it seems very dubious that project would ever be resurrected. Still, there are astrological factors pointing to major resource development projects over the next few years in Canada.

This also echoes Jupiter’s 2025 transit into Cancer, which is Canada’s natal fourth house. Canada has natal Sun on the IC at 8 Cancer, so Jupiter’s entry into the sign of the crab is a very welcome boon to fourth house topics of land, resources, farming and real estate. I’m hoping this means good things for Canada’s housing market over the summer and into the fall.

If anything, I expect Jupiter in Cancer to be a nice balm that will help heal some of the wounds caused in the early part of 2025 by the Mars retrograde cycle in Cancer. Jupiter will bring a renewed sense of safety at home, which will be very welcome after Mars made it seem like home was unsafe. This will translate, I hope, into a sense that the borders are secure. That, in turn, should help make diplomatic relations more, well, diplomatic in the second half of 2025.

In writing this forecast, I considered Canada’s current annual profection year, and its current Huber Age Point. These give additional info on the major topics that may be prominent in 2025.

Canada is currently 157 years old, turning 158 in 2025. That means Canada is in a second house annual profection year, and will move into a third house year on July 1, 2025.

The current Huber Age Point is also in the third house. The Age Point is between approximately 22 and 25 degrees of Gemini throughout 2025. It will conjoin Canada’s Moon in 2026.

Given Uranus’ impending ingress into Gemini on July 7, that’s yet another astrological hit emphasizing Canada’s third house.

I’ve posted Canada’s natal chart below. You’ll note I used Koch houses on this, which is a departure from my usual use of Whole Sign Houses (WSH). I still default to WSH, but I’ve started integrating Placidus more, especially for mundane charts. I’ve found that multiple houses systems will work as long as you maintain coherence with specific techniques and their corresponding interpretations.

What I mean by that is, if I’m using annual profections I use Whole Sign Houses, since that is a traditional astrology technique based on WSH. If I’m doing straight mundane predictive work, I’ll look at Placidus because the house cusps can be instructive. And if I’m looking at the Huber Age Point cycle, I use Koch because that technique is based on that  particular house system.

When you start to see repetitions across multiple astrological house systems/techniques, alarm bells go off. And that’s indeed what we see here.

Canada’s third house is Gemini, with natal Moon present there. As I mentioned earlier, the third house symbolizes telecommunications like internet, television, radio and broadcasting in general. It also signifies roads, railways, oil pipelines, internet cables, power lines, shipping routes and all the other channels through which goods, services and ideas flow. The third house is also neighbouring nations. For Canada, that means the US, Russia (neighbour over the North Pole) and Greenland.

So, both the Huber Age Point and annual profections are yet another astrological signal that Canada will be absolutely preoccupied with its neighbours. That’s a perennial pastime here, but has obviously reached a fever pitch in 2025.

I do wonder what will occur with Canada-Russia relations. Perhaps there will be more developments in the Far North, particularly with the shipping routes and other infrastructure that is becoming more accessible up north. I also wonder about Trump’s comments on the US taking over Greenland, which is also a neighbouring nation of Canada. That has implications for shipping across the Far North too, both of which involve the third house in a major way (shipping routes and neighbouring nations).

And no, I don’t see Canada becoming the 51st state, as Trump keeps cheekily suggesting, but I do think we will see ongoing, shifting political loyalties and allegiances.

photo c/o indianexpress.com

2025 will be a year where Canada begins to make some major developments related to telecommunications and broadcasting. The CBC has been beleaguered for years and I think we’ll see some major developments related to the national broadcaster – possibly an end to it, in its current form. The previous time the Age Point was in the third house (1951 through 1957) was when the CBC first went on the air, both television and radio. Several other TV stations across Canada also started broadcasting during this time.

2025 is also the year when the CRTC is expected to finally implement Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act. This controversial bill could significantly alter what Canadians see in online media. This bill received Royal Asset in 2023 but the federal government paused implementing it due to industry pushback. It would sure fit the current astrology if the government finally rolls it out in 2025-26, and it’s sure to mean monumental changes to Canada’s media landscape.

I could also see Canada scrapping physical telephone lines and expanding satellite internet service – probably StarLink, though perhaps we’ll see some other providers step into this space. Keep in mind that when Uranus goes into Gemini on July 7, that triggers the Uranus-Pluto trine across Canada’s second and eleventh houses – Canada’s finances and legislation/allies/ambitions. This is an extended time period where we will be enacting major legislation and that will have radical changes to Canada’s finances and financial system. It will also be a time where our allies will have profound effects on our finances and national well, and the overall aims and goals of Canadians.

This will play into the third house stuff in interesting ways, which are honestly anyone’s guess at this point. Major resource, public works, or telecommunication projects partially bankrolled by our allies??

2025 could also kick off major developments related to other third house things like roads, rail, bridges, subways, pipelines and similar infrastructure. During Canada’s previous Age Point cycle in the third house, the Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline was completed. Given Trump’s professed love of “black gold,” lusty epithets of “drill, baby, drill,” and reversal of Biden’s 2021 executive order to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, maybe we’ll actually see some expansion of Canada’s pipeline infrastructure.

This is a long bet, however. There is a LOT of internal antagonism in Canada to any pipeline expansion. If Poilievre forms a Conservative majority this year (which seems a given at this point), that may help further pipeline development. But it will be an uphill battle.

The pipeline that would most benefit Canada is not Keystone XL, which would pump even more Canadian crude oil to the refinery heartland in the American Midwest. Rather, the Northern Gateway pipeline would benefit Canada’s energy sector in a much bigger way, by opening access to tidewater and much-desired Asian markets. Alternatively, adding/expanding a pipeline to the east, which would give us more access to Europe (and help relieve their dependence on Russian oil), would also be a boon – but that’s a lot more ground to cover.

Trudeau killed off Northern Gateway in 2016, shortly into his reign as Prime Minister. The project was already doomed, however, due to widespread and legally-successful opposition by environmentalists, municipalities, Indigenous groups and other activists.

Never say never, however. If Trump does slap Canada with heavy tariffs that include the energy sector, and if the Conservatives form a majority, that just might be what it takes to turn around internal Canadian sentiment towards a pipeline project to BC tidewater. I’m no expert on this, but I have heard that there have been a lot of steps forward in negotiations with Indigenous groups around things like pipelines and development of their territories.

Given that Canada is about to enter its Neptune return in 2025 with the ingress of Neptune into Aries, I could see something like an Indigenous-led oil pipeline being approved. That would really bring Canada’s Neptune Dreaming full circle.

Speaking of Neptune in Aries, when Neptune ingresses Aries on March 30, 2025, Canada will officially start its Neptune return. That doesn’t go exact for several years, until 2031-32, but we might get the glimmers of what this could bring to Canada in particular.

Given that Neptune will be conjunct Saturn throughout 2025 and 2026, this adds an element of restriction and oppression to Neptune’s dreams, illusions and delusions.

In particular, one of the things I mentioned in my 2025 forecast was the Neptune-Saturn bringing restrictions around drugs (symbolized by Neptune), both legal and illegal. How literal this has become already, with Trump citing the flow of illegal drugs – particularly fentanyl – across the Canadian border as the bargaining chip for his tariffs.

By choosing such an ill-defined and impossible to measure target as “stopping fentanyl”, he grants himself the ability to decide on a whim when we’ve achieved that goal – or not. (Nevermind that the amount of fentanyl entering the US from Canada is miniscule compared to what’s flowing north from Mexico.) It was pretty obviously a ruse to make it seem like he’d won a victory when Canada supposedly acquiesced to his request. Neptune delusions, indeed. Expect more of this. Lots more.

In general, I think the Saturn-Neptune conjunction will bring some interesting developments related to Canadian identity issues as well as Canada’s ongoing leadership debate. The situation with the US is certainly holding up a mirror to Canada and having us all consider what it means to be Canadian. I’ve seen more nationalistic fervour in the last week than I have since that Molson beer commercial in the early 2000s.

As we move into the fall, it’s almost like things fall back to the way things were at the beginning of the year, or even earlier. By the end of November, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus all retrograde back into the signs they occupied at the start of the year. The year’s second set of eclipses occur on September 7 (lunar at 15 Pisces) and September 21 (solar at 29 Virgo). These highlight Canada’s sixth and twelfth houses, shifting from the first-seventh house axis that brought us the current leadership and diplomatic relations crises.

The Nodes’ ingress into Virgo-Pisces in early 2025 is also a reverse nodal return for Canada. Reverse nodal returns are more intense periods of “checking in” with the natal chart, and often challenge what the Nodes are doing natally.

Canada’s natal North Node is conjunct Mars and its South Node is conjunct Jupiter. So, in 2025, the South Node challenges Canada’s natal Mars and the North Node challenges Canada’s natal Jupiter.

This will trigger challenges and major developments with the Canadian military, labour and unions, the latter of which have already been in quite an uproar. Prepare for another major postal strike, and probably some other major strikes across the country in 2025 and 2026, particularly those in third house industries involving roads, rail, transportation and telecommunications.

Twelfth house matters will also be upset, so that’s prisons, hospitals, long term cares homes and institutions. There may be major judicial challenges within these institutions. It’s also a time where we may see some hidden enemies coming to the surface – both domestic and abroad.

So, there you have it. 2025 will be one for the record books, Canada, and I really mean that.

The first part of the year is undoubtedly harder than the first. We are in the thick of it right now, as I write this, so hang tight. Things will shift noticeably in the second half of the year and will start to feel more OK than they do now. Or, we’ll be at least more used to them by then.

As usual, I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s in store for Canada this year, but this post is long enough. If you made it to the end, thank you! May you grow and thrive in 2025 and beyond. To all my American readers: I love you and we can still be friends even though our parents are fighting.

4 thoughts on “War with the Neighbour: Canada’s 2025 Astrology Forecast”

  • Hi Mel, Thank you for your thoughtful posts. I appreciate that you seem to be objective, i.e. recognizing your bias. I’m newish to astrology, especially mundane astrology. So many troubling things going on for Canada, and especially the financial corruption with Pluto in the 2nd. Do you think a light might shine on this sometime soon? And wondering if/how a progressed chart for Canada might play into the future of the country? Thanks!

    • Hello Autumn, thanks for your comment! I try to be as objective as possible but of course it’s impossible to be completely objective – we all have our biases. Astrologers, as a group, are often pretty bad at letting our biases cloud our predictions, especially when it comes to politics. So I always try to keep this in mind!

      You’re right about the troubling things in Canada. Pluto in the second house natally certainly speaks to a level of financial corruption baked into the country, and history has given us plenty of examples of that. The SNC-Lavalin affair comes to mind as a recent example, but also all the money laundering and tax evasion going on among our countries wealthiest citizens. The natal Pluto in the second also indicates Canada’s oil wealth, especially since its closely opposite Saturn – Pluto rules things underground, Saturn rules the earth’s resources, so combine them and you get an oil pipeline, quite literally.

      Anyway, I’d love to see a light beamed into Canada’s murky, corrupt depths, but sadly I don’t have a lot of optimism for this. In fact, with Canada entering its Neptune return period this year, I think the murkiness and confusion is only going to get worse. Certainly Canadians are blindsided by what’s going on south of the border, and that might lead us to make some decisions, political and otherwise, that seemed previously unthinkable. Hearing Canadians call for expansion of oil pipelines across Canada, for example – prior to the start of the year, that was a complete non-starter. Now it’s being discussed seriously. Ditto with the potential for the Liberals to win the election. That was laughable a few weeks ago, but now they are rising in the polls. I still think it very unlikely, but stranger things have happened – and are happening.

      As far as Canada’s progressed chart, it reveals Canada’s progressed Moon just about to enter Aries – that happens on March 3, 2025 right in time for all the craziness in that part of the sky during March-April 2025. Canada’s progressed Ascendant is also about to conjoin the natal North Node in the sixth. Very interesting. You’ve inspired me to do a post on this! Perhaps I’ll consider some other timing techniques too, like solar arcs. Thanks for reading!

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